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Space Supernova


I started diving my sophomore year of high school. I walked into a whole new world knowing absolutely nothing. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, nor where it would take me. I didn’t know what was normal and what was just me. I had nobody and nothing else to compare it to.

I felt alone.

I started my freshman year of college this year, fall of 2023. I knew nobody, nothing about the area, and jack squat about anything. I only had my past to compare it too, little being as it was. I soon found friends and everything started to become normal, or at least a new normal. Soon, though, everything became too much and I was, am, in way over my head.

I feel alone.

This is what reminded me of diving. It was the one consistency that I had no matter where I went. The variance of joy it gave me was annoying, but the physicality of it stayed the same. It gave me stability, but at one point was my tipping stone. This all reminded me of change, and how everything is always fluctuating, much as the water. I wanted to write to tell everyone that feeling is okay and even welcomed, no matter what you do. It shows growth and opens doors for learning. Fear, anxiety, stress, joy, glee, etc., everyone feels that, all of it.

Even if it feels like it, you are never alone.


Fun Facts
(Will eventually also be my transformative revision, but just fun facts not)

Fish can cough :)
A single drop of water has enough atoms to cover the earth :)
If you were to spell out numbers starting from one, you would have a letter "A" until you reach "one thousand" :)
There are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on a beach :)
Australia is wider than the moon :)

Don't forget to smile and have a great day :)

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